About 1.76m persons unemployed in quarter 3, 2022 – GSS

About 1.76 million persons were unemployed in the third quarter of 2022, the Ghana Statistical Service has revealed in its Quarterly Labour Statistics Report.
Within this population, two out of every three unemployed persons were females.
Across the three quarters, about 157,000 persons experienced an unemployment spell that is they were unemployed in all the quarters.
The report further said close to 7.5 million persons remained employed throughout the three quarters out of the about 11 million persons employed in each quarter.
This indicates that across the three quarters about 3.5 million persons were moving in and out of employment depicting vulnerabilities.
The next key finding was that the transition from informal employment to unemployment is on the average five times more than from formal employment into unemployment.
Further, two out of every three unemployed persons in the third quarter that were employed in quarter one were in vulnerable employment in the first quarter.
Finally, the population that is triple burdened that is simultaneously unemployed, food insecure and multidimensionally poor increased by almost 55,000 between quarter 2 and quarter 3, 2022.